
Marble - 360 degree image viewer

This image viewer displays equirectangular 360 degree images, and is based on three.js


You can install marble via bower:

bower install marble

Then reference the marble js file like so:

<script src="bower_components/marble/dist/marble-latest.min.js"></script>

Or use the CDN file from here:


These examples will each show a 360 degree image at 100% width, 480px height, or if the script tag is inside a container with a height and/or width set, it will use that.

Unobtrusively with a preview image

<img src="pic-preview.jpg" data-previewimg="pic-preview.jpg" data-img="pic.jpg">
<script src="marble-latest.min.js"></script>

With a single script tag:

<script src="marble-latest.min.js" data-img="pic.jpg"></script>


<span id='target'></span>
<script src="marble-latest.min.js"></script>
    marble.init(document.getElementById('target'), {
        img: 'pic.jpg'

As a slideshow

<script src="../src/marble.js" data-img="pic1.jpg|pic2.jpg|pic3.jpg"></script>

Note: to specify that you want a slideshow, simply include multiple images separated by a vertical bar "|".


You can specify options using data attributes on the script tag, here is a list of options:


See the examples directory for some examples